Road to Financial Independence
Helping you build a successful business opportunities you can dream of.
Latest Blog Posts
Would You Support This?
Would You Support This? After devoting my post to “Tax Reform – Can It Be Done?” yesterday I was very pleased to visit Neal Boortz blog site today to find that Neal was up at 3:30 a.m. this morning writing the post below. I was among the millions of Americans who listened to Neal on his morning talk show for ...
Read MoreWould you like to feel legally more secure?
Would you like to feel legally more secure? Hello! Have you considered what you would do if you had awakened this morning to find that your identity had been stolen? Where would you begin to solve the issues? Would you prefer to have a licensed investigator and attorney to call and report your disappointing news to them? Unfortunately, some 30,000 ...
Read MoreWould you like for your family to feel more secure? Protect you and your loved ones!
Would you like for your family to feel more secure? Protect you and your loved ones! Hello! Have you considered what you would do if you had awakened this morning to find that your identity had been stolen? Where would you begin to solve the issues? Would you prefer to have a licensed investigator and attorney to call and report ...
Read MoreWould You Like (7) Ways To Improve Your Lifestyle?
Would You Like 7 Ways To Improve Your Lifestyle? Thanks very much for visiting my Blog! My goals on this blog are to provide you 7 ways to improve your lifestyle and include 1) making money, 2) starting your own profitable business from home, 3) protecting yourself and your family with affordable legal counsel by highly qualified attorneys, 4) making you ...
Read MoreWorry Less! Live More! Gain Total Peace of Mind!
Worry Less! Live More! Gain Total Peace of Mind! Worry Less! Live More! Gain Total Peace of Mind! Do you or your family ever feel at risk about anything? Do you now have total “peace of mind”? Do any of these risks that you think about ever concern you? The next question is do you think they should concern you and do you ...
Read MoreWorld War II Posters Found!
World War II Posters Found! Our country today has multi-millions of residents who have no historical knowledge of America, its moral concepts or patriotism, and because they are not aware may have very little respect for this country! And unfortunately we allow those who do not value and appreciate this country to make major decisions for us. Do we still ...
Read MoreWoman Chases Down Identity Thief – Good Morning America+
Woman Chases Down Identity Thief – Good Morning America+ When you invest a few minutes on the subject of an identity thief….which should be at the top of your priority list for you and those that you love…we can find some very interesting information. I found this incredible story recently about a young woman in San Francisco that recognized from bank ...
Read MoreWhen Will You Get Your Real ID Theft Protection Plan?
When Will You Get Your Real ID Theft Protection Plan? Many people think that if their ID is stolen that their banks or credit card companies will protect them. Is that you? Do they protect all of your assets? And many people think that if they get ID Theft Protection with an insurance policy that they have nothing to be ...
Read MoreWhy Legal Plans For Commercial Truck Drivers?
Why Legal Plans For Commercial Truck Drivers? Commercial Truck Drivers Provide To Us the Goods and Services Which Are The Lifeblood of Our Country! Why Legal Plans For Commercial Truck Drivers? Due to the fact that commercial truck drivers are on the highway throughout their working day, they are subject to many times more laws and risks than the ...
Read MoreWhat Liquids Are You Drinking To Provide Water To Your Body?
What Liquids Are You Drinking To Provide Water To Your Body? How Much of Your Body Is Water? The amount of water in the human body ranges from 50-75%. _____________________________________________ The human brain contains about 85% water... Studies have shown that if you are only 1 percent dehydrated, you will likely have a 5 percent decrease in cognitive function. ...
Read MoreWhat is “Total Identity Theft”
What is “Total Identity Theft” “Total Identity Theft” includes not only theft of a person’s bank account and credit cards, however to include driver’s license, social security number, medical records and the victim’s actual persona. As we are in the middle of the Christmas Season, it is important to note that identity theft can take at least five major different ...
Read MoreWhat is the Law of Attraction?
What is the Law of Attraction? Are you attracted to those you love? Your partner? Your mate? Your children? Are you attracted to your friends?…Your family members?…Your neighbors? Are you attracted to your groups, schools, organizations, animals? Are you attracted to anybody? Are you attracted to anything? Everybody? Everything? The answers are obviously yes and no. What is very obvious ...
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Dan Norris (left) with Congressman Lynn Westmoreland (right)
About Dan Norris
I am on a committed, dedicated mission to inform as many people who are interested in knowing about how to improve their health, increase their wealth, to create greater peace of mind and to restore our country to the nation our forefathers intended.