Would You Support This?

After devoting my post to “Tax Reform – Can It Be Done?” yesterday I was very pleased to visit Neal Boortz blog site today to find that Neal was up at 3:30 a.m. this morning writing the post below. I was among the millions of Americans who listened to Neal on his morning talk show for many years…and I for one miss he and his friends on that show tremendously. The day was brighter listening to this former attorney give us his very honest assessments of reality and humor.

To the point, it seems that many people are contacting Neal Boortz and asking him to take up the cause to do a great service for this country…that is…get “The Fair Tax” enacted now. The timing is right! And you can read Neal’s primary concerns in his blog post today. Neal plans to meet soon with John Linder, retired Congressman and co-author of two books with Neal on “The Fair Tax“.

The Fair Tax Book

I ask you to seriously consider how your personal support of getting “The Fair Tax” passed in this country could benefit you, your family, heirs, friends, and all citizens of America. This is a very simple to understand proposal…in fact you are already doing it everyday when you go to the grocery store. If you will invest a few minutes in reading about the overwhelming benefits that would accrue to our economy, our lifestyles and our freedom from political control, you will thank Neal and John for the rest of your lives…saying this was the greatest thing that ever happened to our country. To get started in your support I recommend that you join Neal’s Nuze and let he and John Linder know how you feel…clearly and often! I think this country’s citizens need a cause to unite them into one country rather than the current two…I believe this can be the motivation to bring us all together again…if we can just get the uninformed to stop for a minute and help improve themselves and their lifestyles as well.

God Bless America! Here is Neal’s blog post for today…

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Posted: 8:36 a.m. Monday, June 10, 2013   By Neal Boortz

Pardon me while I rant for a while…with a purpose.

Leo Linbeck Jr. passed away last week.  Some of you know his name; most of you do not.  Considering the current news about the gross misuse of the IRS by the 0bama Administration, the name should be important to you.

It was Leo Linbeck, along with Bob Trotter and Robert McNeil, who pulled together about $22 million dollars to fund a study on how to reform our destructive tax system in the United States.  McNeil, the owner of the Houston Oilers NFL team, is the only surviving member of the group. These three should be remembered as true American heroes and patriots.

Linbeck and his friends hired accountants, economists, financial experts, political scientists and other experts in government and business to develop an alternative to our current tax system.  Researchers came from such prestigious institutions as Harvard and MIT.  Focus groups were formed to listen to the various plans being considered.  A member of one such focus group, after hearing the details of the tax reform plan being considered, said “now that’s a fair tax.”  The name was born, and The FairTax was introduced as a bill in congress by Georgia Congressman John Linder.

Never, in the entire history of the Congress of the United States, has any legislation been introduced backed by so much research — and that, by the way, includes ObamaCare.

Congressman Linder and I wrote “The FairTax Book” eight years ago in 2005.  It debuted No. 1 on the New York Times Bestseller’s List.  A book about TAXES … No. 1.  That shouldn’t happen, but it did … showing the hunger that existed in the American public for some way to get rid of the IRS and simplify our federal tax system; change it from one that discourages and punishes achievement, to one that rewards work and protects every families ability to provide for their own basic needs before funding our bloated and often-wasteful federal government.  Two years later Linder and I, along with now-Congressman Rob Woodall, wrote another book, “FairTax, The Truth, Answering the Critics”  This one came out as No. 2.  The public’s appetite for true and meaningful tax reform was still strong.


Dan Norris
Small Business Consultant

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