Business Opportunities

Are You Taking The Best Care Possible Of 60-75% Of Your Body?

Are You Taking The Best Care Possible Of 60-75% Of Your Body? I bet you aren’t…want to take my challenge? Call me if you already know all of this…less than 1% of the population knows about it! ________________________________________ Are You Focusing On Keeping 25%-40% Of Your Body Healthy With Pharmaceuticals and Chemicals While Ignoring The 60-75% Water? _________________________________________ According to ...

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Amazing… Magical… Kangen Water

Amazing… Magical… Kangen Water Amazing….Magical….These are the words that are used by Kangen Water device owners to describe the valuable benefits of Kangen Water which many of us enjoy.  The benefits are so numerous and so worthwhile in the opinions of users that we believe everyone should try Kangen Water now to see if they think it could be good ...

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10 Reasons To Quit Your Job This Year

10 Reasons To Quit Your Job This Year [color-box]Huff Post Small Business Three Ways to Make Money From Social Media Ilana GreeneEditor, ‘Harvard Newsletter’ Many small businesses use social media as a marketing tactic, but they are confused about how to make money from it. According to Anatoly Nirshberg, CEO of ParadigmNEXT, the key is to “develop a business plan ...

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Why Do Smart Things?

Why Do Smart Things? Do you ever ask yourself or your partner or even your kids (if you have any) this question?  Why do smart things?  Why not just do dumb things? Sometimes we do dumb, stupid things just for fun…which can be good and very bad. Or do you just take it for granted that everyone will do smart ...

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So you need more traffic to your site?

So you need more traffic to your site? My son Mike and I began some really committed internet marketing in 2008…and as a result we learned a lot…and we are now putting the pieces together that can make anyone successful on the internet. I invite you to explore the many posts on my blog to understand this. Traffic is a key element ...

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Procrastination, Rationalization and Critical Thinking In Decision Making

Critical Thinking In Decision Making No matter what responsibility we have in life we are expected to make good decisions.   Our ability to make good, sound decisions is extremely important to the success of whatever activities in which we are involved. Procrastination, Rationalization and Critical Thinking In Decision Making To my surprise, with more than (200) posts that I ...

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Keys To A Successful Home Based Business!

This post is to share my ideas about the “keys to a successful home based business!”   If you are thinking about or are already running your home based business I recommend that you read these recommendations and determine if they have been considered in your present or future business. My experiences say that these considerations  are critical to achieving ...

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Are You Happy With Your Business and Income Life?

How do you answer that question? There must be many answers that you have.  This is not a question to get into your personal life about your spouse or partner…or with your kids…or with your family members…or with your neighbors or friends…that is absolutely your personal business and I will not go there. What I am asking you is a ...

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