The American Dream
Maybe you just graduated from college and you have the “average $33,000 college tuition debt” or more. You have now begun searching for a corporate “JOB” in a career field in which you are qualified, or maybe any field that will help you pay your bills and/or move out from mom and dad. Or maybe you graduated a year or two ago or more and you wonder how you are going to get on the right career path. Or maybe you have been a victim of the downsizing in this most unusual American economy and you are wondering how you can ever have an enjoyable, pleasureful life for you and your family again.
So Are You Looking To Realize The American Dream?
Or maybe you are one of those incredibly wonderful veterans returning from your all voluntary service and you are ready to begin your way to achieve the American Dream! May God Bless All of You for Your Service and placing your country and all of the people that live in it before your own priorities. We are so proud of you!!!
As a veteran of the Korean War in the 1950′s I empathize with you and on this very special Memorial Day Weekend, honor you and all veterans who have sacrificed their lives or even more for this country. I watched the TV History Channel for five hours yesterday and relived WWII where I remember on Sunday morning, December 7, 1941 the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor. Did you know that 8 million Americans fought in this war and that 415,000 American Soldiers died defending America? May God Bless every one of them and their families. And this goes for all of you during the Iraq and Afghanistan military campaigns who have lost your loved ones, your arms or legs or eyes or ears, and have been maimed for life. May God Bless every one of you.
This post is dedicated to anyone and everyone that wants to realize “The American Dream”, no matter what your background or experiences, or how many arms and legs that you have now. With my (60) years of business experience I have succeeded in achieving the dream in my opinion and want to share with those interested as to how you might shorten your journey on that path. I am not filthy rich as are many who are extremely fortunate, and I have been up and down and up and down the ladder of success which seems to be typical in a capitalistic society. At this time I am very thankful for this country, the opportunity here, and the fact that I can share with others experiences that can be very beneficial.
So how can you “Realize The American Dream”?
I am offering to share valuable information with you, without charge, and my reward will be that of getting you on your path. You may already know it all and you need no advice from your parents, your counselors, your peers and your friends, which is a real mistake. Very frankly, I sincerely wish there had been an internet when I came along and that there were successful people who were sincerely interested in advising me. I would have achieved much more than I ever have. Do you think that Donald Trump provides a service with his development of entrepreneurs?
So what could I possibly do to help you to be successful (and not charge you an arm and a leg)? Sound trite? It is not. One of these days you will appreciate every helping hand that you can find. Here’s how we can get started…
1. Have you recorded on paper so that you can see it at all times…your goals and objectives for the next 1 and 3 and 5 years. If not, are you willing to develop these now, print them out and post them in front of your computer? If not…thanks for reading this so far however reading any further will be a waste of your time.
2. Have you decided if you want to work for a corporation or someone else all your life or at some point in time do you want to be financially independent on yourself only? I ask that you write the answer to this question on your goals and objectives page and state what you want and when.
3. Have you inventoried your skills and recorded them on paper?
4. Have you inventoried your likes and preferences and recorded them on paper?
5. Have you inventoried your constraints so that you can narrow your searches to the real opportunities available?
If you will do these things, then contact me, together, based on your goals, we can discuss the next steps. You can reach me at email or 407-749-9395.
By the way, my advice for you will be focused on helping you achieve financial independence…not a “JOB” which I refer to as a “just over broke” opportunity…which can also be a lot of fun and very enjoyable. I did this for (30) years with the top (10) corporations in America as well as (7) start-up companies for another (26) years. I currently have five businesses that I manage from my computer with a two hour per day investment. I wake up excited every morning to see what has happened around the world…and to see if I really made some substantial money overnight! Realizing the American Dream is not an overnight phenomenom…it is a process which takes commitment, a reasonable amount of time, and belief in yourself that you can be successful. Would you like to do this? Could you commit one to two hours per day to the goal of achieving financial independence?
It would be a pleasure to talk with you.
And by the way, before writing this blog post, I had the privilege of watching and listening to Steve Smith of ESPN and I find him to be highly inspirational and to make a lot of common sense…please listen to Steve…