The topic of this post is “Small Business Owner: Reduce Costs”
At a time when small businesses are struggling to survive, here are several cost-cutting topics that may be beneficial to you…

Half of Small Businesses Will Cut Employee Hours to Avoid Obamacare Penalties
By Ray Hennessey | July 17, 2013
Half of small businesses affected by the new national health-care law plan to either cut hours to reduce workers to part-time status or replace existing full-timers to part-time hours to get around Obamacare requirements, according to a new survey. What’s more, another 24 percent of companies answering the U.S. Chamber of Commerce’s quarterly small-business outlook survey said they will reduce staff to under 50 employees to avoid paying penalties for failing to offer health insurance.
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LegalShield Solutions For Small Business Owners
As business owners, with the new tax burdens imposed on businesses, owners and employees, it is obvious that we must find ways to reduce costs, increase revenues and net income. This message is to make you aware of proven legal and consulting service solutions for small business owners that are very economical. These solutions have been proven successful as a way to reduce costs for many years with more than 35,000 small businesses benefitting from LegalShield Business Plans. The major reasons that these Business Plans work so well is because they provide much of the necessary Legal Services and Business Consulting Services for usually much less than $125 per month. There is no contract for length of time to use the service as businesses recognize the value and continue the services. More information is available by clicking on the banner below…
Dan Norris
Independent Associate
Small Business Consultant
Renegade Network Marketing