Just A Matter of When!

Yesterday afternoon around five pm I received an unexpected call from one of my favorite family members! We had talked earlier this week as Thursday was her Birthday…and I wanted to wish her well and plan something for us to do this month to celebrate that wonderful event! Family is wonderful…and for me it is always fun to celebrate birthdays with them.

It Is Not IF You Will Need It – It Is A Matter Of WHEN You Will Need It! Do Yourself A Favor!

I knew something important was up when I received this call on a Friday afternoon…and very soon after we exchanged pleasantries she said…tell me where you got your  ”legal plan”  that you pay for monthly.

I shared the information that she wanted  and she was pleased.

Do you get the picture? You never know when you are going to need an attorney…however the odds are that each of us will need one at least twice each year. Most of us just let the other party’s legal contract apply, give in to the other party, let them pay for the attorney, or somehow find a way to personally avoid the costs…nobody wants to pay $200 to $300 per hour or more…however there are times when it is entirely too costly not to do so … and never very smart.

Law Firm

Personally, since I elected to purchase a legal plan  in 9/2011 I have used my legal plan (46) times with excellent results. This legal service has saved me thousands of dollars since 2011 and I am incredibly pleased with the quality and promptness of all of my requests to the law firm. And the words are “Law Firm”…not just a lawyer…as I have needed several different types of attorneys for different purposes…and a qualified attorney in my field of need always calls me.

For you…for me…for anyone…you will in all likelihood need the services of an attorney. It is not a matter of IF…it is a matter of WHEN. Why not give yourself (and your family) the peace of mind of knowing that you always have  a trusted legal advisor to go to and that you don’t have to get out the checkbook.

For more information about these services in the U.S. and Canada just send me an email to

I can assure you that you will be very glad that you did…I just don’t know when! Do you?


Dan Norris
Small Business Consultant

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