ObamaCare Train Wreck
Suggestion: Listen to ” America The Beautiful” by Ray Charles while you read this…start video at bottom of page.
This post tonight is about a critical subject being decided upon during the month of September…
Is ObamaCare Good For You And Your Business?
This country is attempting to implement an original 2700 page Bill that was never read nor debated in the House or the Senate nor read by the President. This was a political concept which was never properly discussed or debated.
Can you imagine the Constitution of the United States being passed in such a careless manner? Is this how a great country is supposed to represent it’s people? Is this how we express our exceptionalism? It used to be my friend…
Or does Washington know best for everyone…and we do not dare question their opinions, beliefs, or decisions??? Are we to be led by an ideological party and narcissistic leader to “total transformation of our country” like cattle to slaughter?
Sorry my friend, this is not the way that I do business, either personally, politically, or spiritually!
Only Democrats voted for the Bill. No Republicans voted for the Bill. This is extreme proof that this is a partisan Bill. The day before passing the Bill the Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi when asked what was in the Bill said…”We have to pass this Bill so that we can find out what is in it.”
This is the President’s signature presidential accomplishment and his first priority for the country was to get this Bill passed. The employment issues and economic issues took a back seat to ObamaCare. Obviously he wants to preserve the Bill at all costs, especially since it would be a serious threat to his presidency.
The reasons for the Bill are clearly political as the major purposes are to take resources from some people and provide those same resources to other people with government controlling the collection and redistribution. And the government gives a 30-40% haircut for the process of redistribution. Even with the planned implementation we will continue to have 30 million people uninsured…which was supposedly the reason for the bill to start. This is decisively a wealth redistribution bill which gives the government much more control over our personal information, our lives, our money, and our freedoms.
When the ObamaCare Bill was taken to the Supreme Court, it was declared legal only as a “tax” by one vote by the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court. This was a very creative decision that none of the other justices even considered, which to me makes it suspect.
This Bill takes away from our independence and freedoms. This Bill is a precursor to what the Democrats really want which is a single payer insurance system, non-competitive across states or between companies, and totally controlled by the Federal Government. This would put the government in control of your health, your information and your livelihood. This would be a total destruction of what has been the greatest medical system in the world.
60%-70% of the American population today say they do not like what they know about ObamaCare.
CBO estimates of ObamaCare were $940 billion. CBO now estimates costs to be double at $1.8 Trillion.
Many, many organizations have been given waivers out of ObamaCare including the Government, and the Unions are asking for their waiver. Thousands of waivers have been granted…all favoritism to obtain votes.
Insurance costs were not supposed to increase. Since approval of the Bill insurance costs have increased 25% to 100% across the country. Insurers are withdrawing from states as they cannot maintain profitability.
Many doctors are withdrawing from the medical profession as they can no longer be profitable or practice medicine according to their ethical oaths. This will cause a decrease in the quality of medicine and increase costs even more.
The Federal Government is spending hundreds of millions of tax dollars on advertisement promoting ObamaCare. After all of the publicity given ObamaCare to date you would think that people would like it and not have to be convinced.
Employers are limiting growth of their businesses to no more than 50 employees so as to avoid the penalties of ObamaCare.
Employers are reducing employees working hours to 30 hours or week to avoid penalties of ObamaCare.
The Cleveland Clinic, largest employer in Ohio, announced today they are slashing $330 million in cost reductions because of ObamaCare and will implement employee layoffs to effect these cost-reductions. This is occurring at hospitals across the country.
Home Depot is announced that due to costs of ObamaCare that 20,000 employees would be transferred to the Federal pools for insurance to deal with the impact of ObamaCare. This is commonplace across the country.
Insurance companies are withdrawing from the insurance industry or markets due to non-profitability.
Many more issues are arising from ObamaCare implementation every day.
Do you like ObamaCare for you and your business and do you want it to be implemented?
As a small business owner and individual I strongly oppose the implementation of ObamaCare for many reasons. I have very little confidence in the policies of this Administration and consider this one a major failure.
This Bill impacts 1/6 of our total economy and appears to be seriously affecting a large number of people.
I continue to look for the advantages and disadvantages and the negatives seem to far outweigh the positives. If I could find a list of advantages of the program I would list them here now. I would welcome from you a list of the key advantages of ObamaCare to the American People.
I hear many people saying…I wish I could do something about stopping ObamaCare but I do not know what I can do.
I began a Blog called “The Conservative Blog” to have the opportunity to speak my political opinions about my concerns as to what is happening to our country. I much prefer to share my political opinions on that Blog, however, “The Road To Financial Independence Blog” is about business, our economy, how to be employed, how to get ahead, and tips and ideas on being more effective in business, and I consider that it is appropriate to write about this subject here.
To me the ObamaCare Bill is seriously impacting the economy, the growth of my business, the growth of individuals and businesses that I serve, as well as the overall welfare of our wonderful country, the United States of America.
I submit to you that as Americans, our rights to free speech are invaluable, and that it is in our best interests to let our voices be heard strongly in Washington during the coming days. I support you in your opinion whatever that may be…maybe not agree with it but will support the fact that you are entitled to your opinion.
If you were not pleased with our country’s recent imminent attacks on Syria, I hope that you will consider that the vote on ObamaCare is extremely important to you and I…especially during these days of September. Harry Reid and Barack Obama do not want to hear our opinions and protests.
The backroom joke in Washington now is that the only “red line” that the President will stick to is his refusal to negotiate on key issues with the Congress and the Senate. Tell me, are President Putin and President Assad more important than the people of the United States? I hope that we can determine this in the coming days. These are extremely important times for our country.
I believe that the American People are the only ones that can make a non-partisan, non-political, objective consideration of the facts and see the potential destructive looming damage of ObamaCare…and that each of us should speak up now with our own opinions, therefore fulfilling our duties as citizens in a timely fashion. Your forefathers would be proud of you for speaking your peace. Will you contact Washington and let them hear from you?
I plan to be a part of the 10 million+ petition I just received a call on to be sent to Washington requesting that we defund ObamaCare. Will you be a part of this Petition?
It is time that we let our voices be heard Americans!
Congressman Mike Rogers opening statement on Health Care reform
Dan Norris