Growth To Profitability
Today’s post describes three powerful secrets on…
How To Take Charge of Your Network Marketing Profitability!
Are you concerned that your network marketing business is not creating the income that you expected yet? You thought you had been doing all the right things and you are working very hard however your signups and sales are not what you needed since you no longer have that salaried job or they cut you back to 29 hours per week. You hear about the people earning $1k to $4k people per week however you are not there yet? Have you heard that now some 11% of network marketers are making money as compared to the 3% just a couple of years back. What are the secrets?
Don’t be discouraged…I have good news for you…network marketing is a system based on sound principles…good strategies…working with a skilled team…and it takes awhile to get to profitability…and you can shave off years of effort with the right skills and team. I know…I have been where you may be now…and I have learned the secrets…let me give you some of the ideas of how you can get to where you want to go…be sure to order the free “7 Great Lies of Network Marketing” on the right side of this page…and if you need more to convince you get the free “Renegade Marketer’s Manifesto”. Give me a call or email at any time and we will talk and I will give the more of the secrets!

Helping People
Seven Powerful & Effective Methods To Help People Get What They Want Most
Think about it. If you’re in the space of working with people in an all volunteer organization (like I do), you’ve got to have some very highly developed leadership skills.
This is a stark contrast then, for example, being an employer where you can hold certain things over people’s heads to get them to do what needs to be done. Like firing them. Read more
Daily Marketing Coach Success Story – Michelle Pitot
Discover how one of my Daily Marketing Coach students scored a big coaching package
with no awkwardness, no selling, no waffling on her fees… her new coaching client
signed up and cut a check for half the total right on the spot. Read more
QUICK LESSON: What Makes This Blog Post So Great?

We teach you how

Sometimes it’s helpful to look at other great marketers and copywriters, and analyze what they do. I dug up this post today because I think it provides a quick lesson about the workings of an effective blog post.
So before we really get started, follow this link and give it a quick read: http://thecopybot.com/2011/05/write-links/ by Demian Farnworth
Read more…
Be sure to request the “7 Great Lies of Network Marketing” by clicking on the link below now…

7 Great Lies of Network Marketing
Please contact me with any questions.
Dan Norris
Small Business Consultant