Blogging Is Good For Your Business!
How would you like to have 100 new visitors visit your business each day? How about 300? How about 500? Or 1000? Or 2000? Would you be pleased with the fact that anyone is interested in your business? I am! Amazed if they are not…but times are very different today. What would it cost you to attract any number of prospective customers into your business storefront or website using tv, radio, newspaper or magazine advertising, or other advertising methods such as PPC?
Any of these numbers of new traffic is very possible…and you can learn how to accomplish this by reading the information in this post…”free” by the way…my blog that you are reading now enjoys some 300 visitors each day…for which I am very pleased and thankful…and each day brings new information to me that allows me to attract more of you. I am very appreciative of each you that comes to read my blog…as well as your letting me know what you are most interested in reading about as well as to what you enjoy the most. I study each day with the very best in the industry to learn how to make my blog posts more meaningful to you…especially to share with you how you could benefit.
Getting a Business Blog Ready for Prime Time
Dena Kouremetis, Contributor 3/18/2013
So how do you start a blog? Most small businesses know they need original-content-laden blogs, but the daunting task of putting one together stops many individuals cold. Others can’t keep up, abandoning their efforts and making their blog pages look like foreclosed homes from 2008.
Here are some ways to ready your blog-writing future before ever hitting the “publish” tab on your, or proprietary web site blogging programs:
And I would like to share some of my email from Ann Seig
today…very powerful…
The Email is titled
“2000 Reasons
to Open This Email”…
“My friend Ty Tribble is a master at this and he uses
a combination of social media and the major search
engines to funnel over 2,000 people every DAY to just
one of his blogs – and he doesn’t pay a dime for them.
There’s no question that getting your site ranked
high in the search engines is incredibly valuable.
But it’s not as hard as some people would have you
believe (and you don’t have to wait 6 months or more
for the search engines to “find” you, either).
We just got done putting together a presentation for
you where Ty explains his blogging “secret sauce” and
why so many people end up frustrated and confused
about the whole free traffic thing.

Ty Tribble
For the professional ready to develop professional copyrighting skills.
On this page are several opportunities for you to benefit by requesting more information. I invite you to take advantage of these offers…most cost you nothing however are all valid and full of value…if you have read this page to this point you owe it to yourself to take advantage of one these offers that would benefit you the most.
Dan Norris
Small Business Consultant