Better Health-More Wealth-Peace of Mind-Politics

Fire Hole River, Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming

Fire Hole River – Yellowstone national Park

Two+ years ago I first began this blog and thanks to you…there are now 40,000 free subscribers and 300+ new readers every day. I will also tell you that I write two other blogs and have another 40,000 subscribers on them. This post is an effort to communicate with all of my subscribers on all posts plus another 500-700 that view them each day. Thank you for subscribing and viewing…I sincerely appreciate each of you and my goal is to provide information of value to you that can benefit your lives. One of my blogs is focused on personal health and business opportunities whereas two blogs are focused on our political situations…from my conservative point of view.

For those who wonder why I do this…God has blessed me so very abundantly with more than 75 years of energetic, fun and active life with incredibly wonderful experiences. I believe that HE is using me to talk with others about things that are important to HIM and all of humanity…no matter what your age. My mission now in life is to inform as many people as I can as to how to improve their health, increase their wealth, and to increase their peace of mind…and as an American Citizen…this must include our political situation as our very security and future is under threat from many enemies.

Better Health-More Wealth-Peace of Mind-Politics

Today I want to inform you with some truths that a very limited number of people know about  in America and in many other countries as well. I am amazed at my age and education that only in 2015 have I learned about these things….and they are involved with our health, wealth, peace of mind and politics. Can you handle all of this in one post? Hang on…here is incredibly valuable information for every person around the world…and particularly for Americans.

By the way, you can elect to avoid and ignore this information for now…but not the truths that are contained herein…sooner or later you will have to face these truths and I sincerely beg of you to pay attention now rather than later. You will thank me for perhaps irritating you and motivating you with this challenge to read it now and get informed.

Here’s where I will start…do you believe that it is possible that important information about your health is not readily available? Do you believe that around the world that research about your health has occurred, that solutions, remedies and treatments have been developed…and that you are not aware of them? This is not an attempt to malign anyone or any country! My purposes are to make sure that you aware of globally developed solutions that could be very advantageous to you. My message here is to inform you of some critically important information and to challenge you to research information, inform yourself, and to make decisions about what you should do, if anything.


Globally…research beginning in Germany in the 1920’s on cancer and how to stop it….and then by Russia on life longevity….then by Japan on acid rain and how to provide clean water…plus other research studies around the world led to solutions that are virtually secrets in the U.S today….even though some very important ones were introduced in Japan in 1974 which came to the U.S. in 2004. Americans and citizens of other countries are slowly but surely passing the word along…and these are my intentions here.

I invite you to view a 9-step video below which is very comprehensive…please view each step in order and answer the questions at the end of each step…and decide if you want more information. If you do…you can begin research for yourself and you can also access my research published in several posts. Here is the 9-Step Video..

Change Your Water – Change Your Life

and here are my current posts providing my research on this technology…

Health Category

My (3) blogs that I will post this on are…

Road To Financial Independence 

The Conservative   

American Patriots Unite    


One of my good friends is a guest writer on this Blog. Her name is Simona Pipko and she is a Russian Lawyer who personally saw and listened to the Russian Leader Stalin.

I invite you to research her background and accomplishments. She is an accomplished author with 3 books and many more penetrating Articles.

Baltic Winds

I sincerely enjoy her perspective on our political situation and for this reason I am publishing one of her most recent articles…

Soviet Fascism In The 21st Century: The Idealogy of Death and Destruction

I am hopeful that you find all of this information very interesting and stimulating.

Thank you for reading.

Dan Norris

Independent Distributor

Kangen Water – Enagic USA

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