Successful People

Become Financially Independent!

Let nothing stop you!


Today’s Topic:

Many are aware that there are many steps that you can take to improve your lifestyle and financial position! I write about several every day and now have more than  (190) posts on this blog for you to read…all intended to help you improve your lifestyle! As I continually try to analyze why there is

such hesitancy for individuals to do anything about their situation, I also study individuals who are very successful to understand their thought processes.



Donald Trump biography

Donald Trump


Real estate developer Donald John Trump was born June 14, 1946, in Queens, New York. In 1971 he became involved in large profitable building projects in Manhattan. He opened the Grand Hyatt in 1980, which made him the city’s best known and most controversial developer. In 2004 Trump began starring in the hit NBC reality series The Apprenticewhich also became an offshoot for The Celebrity Apprentice.

Read more:


CNN Money

Buffett’s annual letter: What you can learn from my real estate investments

February 24, 2014

In an exclusive excerpt from his upcoming shareholder letter, Warren Buffett looks back at a pair of real estate purchases and the lessons they offer for equity investors.

By Warren Buffett

FORTUNE — “Investment is most intelligent when it is most businesslike.” -Benjamin Graham, The Intelligent Investor

It is fitting to have a Ben Graham quote open this essay because I owe so much of what I know about investing to him. I will talk more about Ben a bit later, and I will even sooner talk about common stocks. But let me first tell you about two small nonstock investments that I made long ago. Though neither changed my net worth by much, they are instructive.


NBC Business

“Public Pessimism About Economy Growing poll says”

For the third year in a row, the nation’s economic recovery has hit a springtime soft spot. Reflecting that weakness, only 1 in 4 Americans now expects his or her own financial situation to improve over the next year, a new Associated Press-GfK poll shows.

Click to read more


Do you think that you have an opportunity to achieve financial independence beginning now? Do you want to? Would you like to own and enjoy the Yacht in the picture below and cruise on The Thames?  It is possible you know! Honestly and legitimately!

Your Yacht in the UK on The Thames


How to Quit Your Day Job Gracefully


Congratulations! You’ve decided to leave your job and hang your own shingle. But first, there’s much to consider. You’d probably like to stay on good terms with your former employer. You may have signed a non-compete agreement. And it wouldn’t hurt to take some customers with you. Here’s what you need to know to navigate the transition from working for someone else to being your own boss.

Click to read more:


To summarize…there are many opportunistic avenues by which to improve our lifestyle. We need only to start today “to do anything you want to do”. I look forward to talking with you soon. Just take advantage of my free offer to get started at the top right of this page.

START TODAY – Successful People – Become Financially Independent!

Dan Norris
Small Business Consultant


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