Do you have a dream that allows you to work from home and make as much money as you need to support yourself and your loved ones in the lifestyle that you want? Would you like to set your own working hours and your own work place that could be anywhere that you choose at any time?
If this is your dream then you are saying that you want to achieve financial independence…that is having enough money and wealth to provide for the rest of your life without worry or concern. How does anyone do this? We know that it can be done however the road is full of hard work and commitment. It cannot be done overnight. There are also many successful paths that you can take and some that will be dead-ends. How do you avoid those dead-ends and get to the successful path quickly?
I am here to share with you how you can go about this and how to accomplish financial independence by following straight-forward and economical
paths that have been proven for many years to be successful. Thousands of people have become very successful by following these same paths that I will share with you.
What is needed by you are…
- A burning desire to accomplish your goal and achieve financial independence.
- That you must be willing to learn from people who have found this success.
- That you are willing to work as much as it takes to accomplish your goal.
- A reasonable amount of intelligence, logical reasoning and common sense.
Now if this interests you…makes sense to you…then the next few minutes could change your life. Is that what you want? To change your life to be consistent with the way that you want to live? How great would that be? And Dan, just what are you recommending based on these successes?
There are two key decisions that you must make to get started on your path.
The first key decision is to choose an excellent company or marketing vehicle that offers products and services at a fair price that are in demand by enough people.
There is more than one company or set of companies that offer such solutions however you have to be extremely selective to avoid costly mistakes and blind alleys. If you can align yourself with more than one successful company over time that is compatible with your business plan then that is even better. Considerable wealth can be generated from multiple income streams. This is important as circumstances change which affect the ability of any one company to provide all of the necessary solutions forever. Things change and you need to be prepared.
With many years of business experience I can recommend income options to you to allow you to achieve your desired level of success. Your annual level of success may be $50,000 or $100,000 or $500,000 or $1,000,000+. Whatever your goal I can show you ways to accomplish what you want to achieve.
Success and wealth do not just come from a company’s compensation plan or products and services but from many different facets of a business. Not everyone has the experience and know how to make good company selections. With many years of broad business experience in many markets I am qualified to discuss this with you and act as your mentor to help you make a good decisions. You may have already selected what you consider to be an excellent solution however you have some questions that you would like to discuss.
As a professional consultant class business owner I will be glad to have a 30 minute conversation with you to discuss your directions and options. There is no obligation or charge to you to you.
The second key decision that you must make is to find a marketing system with marketing mentors that can teach you ways to attract enough customers that will buy your products and services at your prices.
By marketing I mean direct person-to-person sales methods and also virtual internet sales methods that are successful. It is an excellent advantage to be able to sell directly to your marketplace however it is also very important that you also have an internet presence so that you can expose your products and services to enough potential buyers to create the amount of income necessary to be successful.
From many years of experience with direct selling I have concluded that there are just not enough hours in the day for me to get in front of enough people to make my business profitable by direct selling only. I will show you how you can build a team as well to build your own business.
It is very important to have mentors at different levels and areas of expertise in order to be successful. And you must be ready and willing to learn. To begin to accomplish your goals you need to take action. Decide if you are interested in pursuing these solutions and are currently employed and can start part-time, or are ready to start full-time immediately. In either case you need to take a step now to get started.
Get in touch with me now if you would like to discuss your options and opportunities. I sincerely look forward to your taking action now so that we may begin working together for you to reach your goals. Achieving Financial Independence is an incredibly good feeling for you and those that you love. Live Your Dream beginning today!
With best regards,
Dan Norris
Small Business Consultant